Habakkuk, 2

Christian Community Bible

13 Has Yahweh of hosts not willed that the work of the nations go to the fire and the peoples toil for nothing?

Versículos relacionados com Habakkuk, 2:

Habakkuk Chapter 2 begins with the prophet crying out to God in relation to the injustice and evil he sees around him. God responds and says he will punish the oppressors and that justice will prevail. Then Habakkuk receives the instruction of writing a vision that will be fulfilled at the right time. The chapter continues to describe the arrogance and greed of those being judged by God. Below are five verses related to the topics dealt with in Habakkuk 2:

Proverbs 16:18: "Pride precedes ruin; the haughty spirit, the fall." This verse talks about the fall of those who become arrogant and think they are superior to others. This is related to the theme of Habakkuk 2 because the people being judged by God are described as proud and arrogant.

Ezekiel 18:12: "Oppresses the poor and needy requires interest payment. It does not lend with equity, nor accept interest. He will certainly not survive! He has practiced all these abominations; surely it will die, and his blood will fall upon him." This verse talks about the injustice of demanding exorbitant interest from the poor and needy. This relates to the theme of Habakkuk 2 because the people being judged by God are described as covetous and exploitative.

Hosea 12:7: "The merchant has false scales in his hands; he loves to oppress." This verse talks about the injustice of cheating business to gain advantage. This relates to the theme of Habakkuk 2 because the people being judged by God are described as deceiving and cheating.

Isaiah 5:8: "Woe to those who add home the house and gather field to the field, until not about more place and are the only ones to live in the country!" This verse talks about greed and covetousness of accumulating wealth and property. This is related to the theme of Habakkuk 2 because the people being judged by God are described as advanced and selfish.

Jeremiah 22:17: "But thy eyes and your heart seem to see your profit, and the innocent destroyed and killed with cruelty." This verse talks about greed and lack of consideration for others. This relates to the theme of Habakkuk 2 because the people being judged by God are described as cruel and inhuman.
