Job, 18

Christian Community Bible

14 Torn from the security of his tent, he is marched off to the king of terror.

Versículos relacionados com Job, 18:

Job 18 presents the second discourse of Bildade, in which he continues to argue that Job's punishment is the result of his own sin. He describes the destruction that will come over the wicked and how their lives will be ruined. The verses below are related to the topics covered in Job 18:

Job 8:13: "Such are the paths of all who forget God; and the hope of the wicked will perish." Bildade believes that Job's situation is the result of his lack of memory of God and his wicked hope.

Proverbs 14:32: "In his evil the wicked is melted, but the righteous even in death have refuge." Bildade speaks of the destruction that will come upon the wicked, which will be overthrown in their evil.

Psalm 1:4-5: "The wicked are not so; they are, however, as the straw that the wind disperses. Therefore the wicked will not subsist in judgment, nor the sinners in the congregation of the righteous." Bildade describes the destruction that will come over the wicked and their inability to subsist in judgment.

Isaiah 8:22: "And they will look at the earth, and behold, anguish and darkness, and shadows of sadness; and shall be pushed into the darkness." Bildade speaks of the darkness that will come over the wicked and how they will be pushed to her.

Psalm 35:8: "Fall upon him the destruction he does not expect, and catch him the chain he hid, fall into the same destruction." Bildade talks about how destruction will come over the wicked in a way they do not expect and how they will fall into the same destruction they have prepared.
