Judith, 11

Christian Community Bible

12 As a result of the shortage of food and water, they have decided to lay hands on their animals. They have resolved to eat those things which God in his laws forbade them to eat, including the first fruits of the harvest and the tithes of wine and oil which, after their consecration, had been put aside for the priests who minister before the face of our God in Jerusalem.

Versículos relacionados com Judith, 11:

Judite 11 tells the story of when Judite presents himself before Holofernes, the Assyrian army commander, and persuades him to allow her to go at night to seek groceries for her people. While she is out, Holofernes begins to fall into deep sleep, and Judite takes the opportunity to behead. The main themes of the chapter are cunning, courage and divine justice.

Proverbs 21:30: "There is no wisdom, no intelligence, no advice that may oppose the Lord." This verse highlights the superiority of Divine Wisdom on Human Wisdom, which is illustrated by Judite's cunning and strategy to defeat Holofernes.

Proverbs 2:6: "For the Lord gives wisdom, and knowledge comes from his mouth and understanding." This verse shows that Judith's wisdom and intelligence were a divine gift, allowing her to act with cunning and determination.

Proverbs 11:3: "The integrity of the righteous guides them, but the perversity of the infidels destroys them." Judith's integrity is a central theme in Judite 11, as it acts fairly and bravely, following its own ethical and religious principles rather than manipulated by the expectations of others.

Psalm 34:19: "There are many afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him from all." This verse shows how Judite's courage and justice are rewarded by God, which protects her from her enemies and helps her to accomplish her mission.

Proverbs 29:23: "Man's pride slaughter him, but the humble of spirit will obtain honor." Judite is a humble and courageous character who does not boast of his cunning or skill, but recognizes that he is an instrument in the hands of God. This verse highlights the importance of humility and modesty in contrast to arrogance and pride.
