Malachi, 3

Christian Community Bible

12 Then all the nations will congratulate you because your land will be the choicest.

Versículos relacionados com Malachi, 3:

Malachi 3 talks about the coming of the Lord to purify and judge the people of Israel. He rebukes the people for their infidelity and injustice, but also offers hope to those who repent and turn to God. Here are five verses related to the topics covered in Malachi 3:

Isaiah 1:18: "Come then, and argue me, say the Lord; even if your sins are like scarlet, they will become white like snow; even if they are red as the Carmesim, they will become like wool. " This verse talks about the possibility of repentance and purification of sins through the forgiveness of God, which is an important theme in Malachi 3.

Proverbs 3:11-12: "My Son, do not reject the discipline of the Lord, nor disgust you for his rebuke. For the Lord rebuke he to whom he loves, just as a Father to the Son to whom he wants well." This verse talks about God's loving discipline, which is mentioned in Malachi 3 as a means of purifying the people of Israel.

Psalm 50:3: "Our God comes, and does not keep silence; ahead of Him burning a devouring fire, and around him there is great storm." This verse talks about God's coming to judge and purify, which is an important theme in Malachi 3.

Isaiah 40:3: "Voice of what cries out in the desert: Prepare the way of the Lord; straighten in the wilderness to our God." This verse talks about the preparation for the coming of the Lord, which is an important theme in Malachi 3. He shows that the arrival of the Lord is an event that requires preparation and repentance.

Psalm 51:10: "Creates in me, O God, a pure heart, and renews in me a stable spirit." This verse talks about the need for inner purification, which is mentioned in Malachi 3 as one of the consequences of the coming of the Lord. He shows that outer purification is not sufficient and that a pure heart and spirit is needed to please God.
