Psalms, 58

Christian Community Bible

11 The upright will rejoice when they are avenged; they will bathe their feet in the blood of the wicked.

Versículos relacionados com Psalms, 58:

Psalm 58 is a prayer to the Lord asking justice and punishment for the unfair and wicked. The psalmist expresses his indignation at the evil actions of the wicked and cries to God to intervene and bring justice. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in this Psalm:

Proverbs 11:18: "The wicked receives a misleading salary, but whoever sows justice reaps true reward." This verse talks about the difference between the reward of the wicked and the righteous. The Psalm of Psalm 58 asks for justice, while this proverb claims that the wicked reward is deceiving.

Isaiah 26:10: "Even if the wicked is favored, he will not learn justice; even in the land of righteousness he will continue to act wickedly and do not see the majesty of the Lord." This verse highlights the wicked tendency of not learning from its bad deeds. The Psalm Psalm 58 cries out for punishment to the wicked who do not change their behavior.

Jeremiah 12:1: "You are righteous, Lord, but even though I present my cause before you, I should discuss with you about justice. Why do the way of the wicked thrive? Why do all traitors live in peace?" This verse expresses the difficulty of understanding why the wicked seem to prosper and live in peace, despite their evil deeds. The Psalm 58 psalmist also questions the apparent lack of justice.

Romans 12:19: "Beloved, never seek revenge, but leave with God the wrath, for it is written, 'My is revenge; I will return,' says the Lord." This verse talks about the importance of leaving justice in God's hands rather than seeking revenge on their own. The Psalm of Psalm 58 calls for divine justice rather than taking justice in his own hands.

Revelation 22:11: "He who is unjust, be unjust yet; who is filthy, be filthy yet; who is righteous, be just; and who is holy, be holy yet." This verse talks about the importance of choosing a righteous and holy path rather than following the path of injustice and impurity. The Psalm of Psalm 58 cries out for justice and punishment for the wicked who choose the wrong way.
