Exodus, 16

Catholic Public Domain Version

8 And Moses said: “In the evening, the Lord will give you flesh to eat, and in the morning, bread in fullness. For he has heard your murmurings that you have murmured against him. For what are we? Your murmuring is not against us, but against the Lord.”

Versículos relacionados com Exodus, 16:

Chapter 16 of Exodus describes God's provision for the people of Israel in the desert through manna and quail. In addition, there is the instruction for collecting manna and banning it overnight. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in this chapter:

Deuteronomy 8:3 - "And he humiliated you, and let you hungry, and sustained you with manna, that you did not know, nor your parents knew him; to give you impression that man will not live only bread, but of all that comes out of the mouth of the Lord will live man. " This verse refers to the manna provided by God in the desert and points out that the people of Israel needed to depend on God for His provision.

John 6:31 - "Our parents ate manna in the desert, as it is written, He gave them the bread of heaven." In this verse, Jesus mentions manna as a miracle performed by God to provide food to the people of Israel.

2 Corinthians 8:15 - "As it is written, what has not been harvested so much more; and what has not been reaping no less." This verse refers to God's instruction about manna collection, which should be enough for each day.

Exodus 16:4 - "Then the Lord said to Moses, Behold, I will make you rain bread from heaven, and the people will come out, and will gather the portion daily for each day, that I may prove it whether it is in my law or not." This is one of the verses that describe God's provision for the people of Israel through manna.

Exodus 16:19-20 - "And Moses said to them, No one leaves him for the next morning. But they did not listen to Moses, and some left him for the next morning, and created animals and smelled badly; and Moses was outraged against them." These verses describe the prohibition of keeping manna overnight and the consequence of disobedience to this order.
