James, 3

Catholic Public Domain Version

6 And so the tongue is like a fire, comprising all iniquity. The tongue, stationed in the midst of our body, can defile the entire body and inflame the wheel of our nativity, setting a fire from Hell.

Versículos relacionados com James, 3:

Chapter 3 of St. James book addresses the theme of language control, warning of the destructive power it can have. The chapter highlights the importance of having self -control and wisdom in the way one speaks and relates to others. Below is five selected verses from other Bible books that are related to the topics covered in St. James 3:

Proverbs 12:18: "There are words that hurt as a sword, but the tongue of the wise ones brings healing." This verse highlights the power of words to hurt or heal. It reinforces the importance of choosing the words that are said to carefully.

Proverbs 16:23-24: "The heart of the wise man makes his mouth speak and adds doctrine to his lips. The soft words are honey, sweet to soul and health to bones." This verse emphasizes the importance of wisdom and how it influences the way we speak. It shows that kind words can have a healing effect.

Ephesians 4:29: "There is no way out of your mouth, but solely what is good for building, as needed, and thus transmits grace to those who hear." This verse highlights the importance of speaking words that build and help people.

Proverbs 17:27: "He who has moderate knowledge of his words, and the man of discernment is cold of spirit." This verse highlights the importance of having self -control and wisdom in the way they speak.

Matthew 12:36-37: "I say that of every frivolous word to utter men, they will realize it on the day of judgment; for by your words you will be justified and, by your words, you will be condemned." This verse emphasizes the importance of being careful about the words that are said, for they have the power to influence divine judgment.
