Job, 29

Catholic Public Domain Version

8 The youths saw me and hid themselves, and the elders, rising up, remained standing.

Versículos relacionados com Job, 29:

Job 29 is a chapter in which Job remembers his days of prosperity when he was respected and admired by all around him. He talks about his reputation, his wealth and the honors he received. The verses below were chosen for addressing topics related to these memories and the prominent position that Job had in society:

Proverbs 22:1: "More worthy of being chosen is the good name than the many riches; and good fame is worth more than silver and gold." Job had a respected name and a good fame, which were worth more than any material wealth.

Psalm 112:1-3: "Blessed is the man who fears to the Lord and is pleased in his commandments. His offspring will be powerful on earth; the generation of the straights will be blessed. In his house there is prosperity and richness, and his own Justice remains forever. " Job was a righteous and fearful man to God, which brought him prosperity and wealth in his life.

Ecclesiastes 7:1: "Better fame is better than the best perfume, and the day of death than the day of birth." Job's good fame was more valuable than any perfume or material good.

Job 12:4: "I am laughing at my friends; I, who invoke God, and He responds to me; I am a source of mocking, a righteous, a righteous man." Job, even though he was fair and righteous, has become a source of laughter to his friends after losing everything.

Psalm 25:14: "The secret of the Lord is for those who fear him, and he will make them know his concert." Job had a deep relationship with God and knew that his righteousness and righteousness were recognized by him, even if his friends did not understand.
