Job, 17

Christian Community Bible

4 You have closed their minds so they will not dare.

Versículos relacionados com Job, 17:

In Job chapter 17, the protagonist continues to mourn his difficult situation and the lack of hope he feels about the future. He feels despised by his friends and abandoned by God. Following are five verses related to the topics covered in this chapter:

Psalm 88:8: "I pushed my acquaintances out of your eyes; I made myself a horror for them. I'm closed and I can't leave." This verse portrays the loneliness that Job feels and how he moved away from his acquaintances because of the suffering he is going through.

Isaiah 53:3: "He was despised, and the most rejected among men, a man of pain, and experienced in work; and, as one of whom men hid their face, was despised, and we did not do it at all." This verse talks about how Job feels despised and rejected by his friends and even God.

Psalm 88:15: "I am distressed and about to die from my youth; I carry upon me the terrors I provoke, and I am completely desperate." This verse describes Job's desperate condition, which feels that it has been carrying the weight of suffering since its youth.

Lamentations 3:18: "And said, My strength and my hope was consumed in the Lord." Job feels that he has lost all his strength and hope, especially in relation to God, and that he has nothing more to hold on.

Psalm 22:14: "I am poured out as water, and all my bones are distressed; my heart is like wax, melted in the middle of my bowels." This verse illustrates the physical and emotional weakness that Job feels, comparing it with water and melted wax.
