Mark, 4

Christian Community Bible

31 It is like a mustard seed which, when sown, is the smallest of all the seeds scattered upon the soil.

Versículos relacionados com Mark, 4:

St. Mark 4 presents several parables of Jesus about the Kingdom of God and His message. The first parable is about the sower that spreads the seed in different soil types. The second parable is about the seed that grows on its own. The third parable is on the mustard grain that becomes a large tree. Jesus also calms the storm at sea and heals the demonic gerasene.

Luke 8:15: "But the one who has fallen into good earth are those who, with good and perfect heart, hear the word, retain it and bear fruit with perseverance." This verse relates directly to Jesus' first parable over the sower. He emphasizes the importance of listening to God's Word and having an open and receptive heart for the message to bear fruit.

1 Corinthians 3:6-7: "I planted, Apollo watered; but God has gone growth. So, neither what plants is something, nor what to irrigate, but God, who gives growth." These verses relate to Jesus' second parable over the seed that grows for itself. They remember that God is the one who gives growth and life, regardless of human labor.

Ezekiel 17:22-24: "Thus saith the Lord God: I will also take from the top of the high cedar cup, and put him; of the main of his renews I will cut a branch, and plant him over a tall and sublime. From Israel I will plant him, and he will give branches, and produce fruit, and shall be a superb cedar; and under him shall dwell birds of all sorts; in the shadow of their branches they will dwell all birds of heaven. " These verses relate to Jesus' third parable over the mustard grain that becomes a large tree. They remember that God can use small things to do great works and that His work is fruitful and welcoming.

Psalm 107:29: "The storm has ceased, and their waves are soothed." This verse relates to the episode in which Jesus calms the storm in the sea. He shows Jesus' power over the forces of nature and the confidence we can have in him, even in times of fear and danger.

Acts 16:18: "And this she did for many days. But Paul, disturbed, turned and said to the Spirit, In the name of Jesus Christ, I send you out of her. And at the same time came out." This verse relates to the cure of the demonic gerasene. He highlights Jesus 'authority over evil spirits and Jesus' ability to bring healing and liberation to people in need.
