Numbers, 3

Christian Community Bible

38 Finally, on the east side, facing the Holy Tent and the Tent of Meeting, toward the sunrise, was the camp of Moses and Aaron and his sons, who had charge of the sanctuary for the people of Israel. Anyone else coming near was to be put to death.

Versículos relacionados com Numbers, 3:

Numbers 3 describes the designation of Levi's children as priests and their assignment to specific tasks in the tabernacle service. Levi's children are separated from the rest of the Israelites and designated to take care of the meeting tent and all the sacred objects contained therein. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in this chapter:

Exodus 6:16-19: "These are the names of Levi's children, according to the order of his births: Gérson, Coate and Merari. [...] Gerson's son was Libni and Simei, and his families. [. ..] the son of Coate was Arão, Izar, Hebrom and Uziel, and his families. [...] Merari's son was Mali and Musi. These are the families of the Levites, according to the order of their births. " This verse relates to numbers 3 in general, which describes the designation of Levi's children to the tabernacle service.

Exodus 28:1: "Now call your brother Aaron and your children to join you, who will be chosen from the Israelites to serve as priests, to approach me and serve me." This verse relates to numbers 3:10, which specifies that only Aaron and his children will be designated as priests for service in the tabernacle.

Exodus 30:12-13: "When you make the census of the Israelites, each will have to give the Lord a silver coin, according to the standard weight of the sanctuary [...] the money of the rescue of the firstborn should be used for the service of the meeting tabenacle of the meeting. " This verse relates to numbers 3:12-13, which describes how Israelites' firstborn will be redeemed and how rescue money will be used in the tabernacle service.

Exodus 25:9: "Build a sanctuary for me and I will dwell among you." This verse relates to numbers 3 in general, which describes how the Levites are designated to take care of the tabernacle, where God dwells among the people of Israel.

Exodus 40:38: "For the cloud of the Lord was on the tabernacle during the day, and at night there was fire on him, in the sight of all the people of Israel, in all his journeys." This verse relates to numbers 3 in general, which describes how the Levites are assigned to take care of the tabernacle, where God manifests Himself in cloud and fire.
