Job, 3

Douay-Rheims Version

7 Let that night be solitary, and not worthy of praise.

Versículos relacionados com Job, 3:

In Job chapter 3, after cursing the day he was born, Job begins to regret his own life and to question why he was spared from the dead birth or to die at birth. He talks about how he is now suffering and wishing death, for his pain is too great to endure. Following are five verses related to the topics covered in Job 3:

Jeremiah 20:18: "Why did I leave the Mother to see work and sadness, to consume my days in shame?" This verse talks about the questioning of the prophet Jeremiah about the purpose of his life and the suffering he faces.

Psalm 6:6: "I'm tired of moaning so much; all night I swim in tears to my bed, flooding with them my bed." This verse portrays the anguish and sadness that Job expresses in his lament in chapter 3.

Psalm 88:3: "For my soul is full of anguish, and my life approaches seol." This verse expresses Job's feeling that death would be a relief for his suffering.

Psalm 22:1-2: "God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far away from helping me and the words of my sick? , but I have no quiet. " This verse reflects the lament and feeling of abandonment Job feels in his suffering.

Psalm 42:5: "Why are you slaughtered, O my soul, and why are you disturbed within me? Wait in God, for I will still praise you for the salvation in your presence." This verse talks about the importance of maintaining faith and hope in God, even in the midst of suffering.
