Tobit, 10

King James Version

8 But his father in law said unto him, Tarry with me, and I will send to thy father, and they shall declare unto him how things go with thee.

Versículos relacionados com Tobit, 10:

Tobias 10 narrates Tobias's return to his home safe after fulfilling his father's mission on the media. On the way back, Tobias and his wife Sara meet the angel Rafael, who guides them and heals the blindness of Tobias's father. Below are five verses related to the themes of this chapter:

Genesis 28:15: "Behold, I am with you, and I will keep you wherever you are, and I will make you make this earth; for I will not leave you until I have fulfilled what I will speak to you." This verse talks about God's protection and guidance for those who follow their ways, as well as the presence of the angel Rafael to guide Tobias and his wife back home safely.

Psalm 121:7-8: "The Lord shall keep you from all evil, keep your soul. The Lord will keep your entrance and your departure from now on and forever." This psalm also talks about the divine protection and the security of those who trust God, just as Tobias and his wife are protected on his journey.

Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust the Lord of all your heart, and do not stir in your own understanding. Recognizes him in all your ways, and he will straighten your paths." This verse talks about the importance of trust in God and the recognition of his will in our lives, just as Tobias and his wife have the help of the angel Rafael to guide them in their path.

Isaiah 42:16: "And I will blind the mountains before you, and make the high places in paths; I will straighten your paths; and you will ever deviate them." This verse talks about God's ability to make the right and clear way to his children, as well as the angel Rafael Guides Tobias and Sarah on his way home.

Matthew 28:20: "Teaching them to keep all the things I have sent you; and behold, I am with you every day until the consummation of the centuries. Amen!" This verse talks about God's constant presence in our lives, just as the angel Rafael accompanies Tobias and Sara in his journey and heals the blindness of Tobias's father.
