Wisdom of Solomon, 14

King James Version

18 Also the singular diligence of the artificer did help to set forward the ignorant to more superstition.

Versículos relacionados com Wisdom of Solomon, 14:

Wisdom 14 deals with the madness of the peoples who worship idols and the evils it causes, while extolling wisdom in God. Here are five verses related to the themes of the chapter:

Isaiah 44:20: "He feeds on ashes, the misleading heart deviates him; he cannot save himself or say, 'Is it not a lie in my hands?'" This verse describes the futility of idol worship and how how This leads to deception and lack of salvation.

Psalm 96:5: "All the gods of the peoples are idols, but the Lord has made the heavens." This verse highlights God's superiority over idols and points to the true worship of Him.

Isaiah 2:18: "And all idols shall disappear completely." Here the prophet Isaiah speaks of the end of idols and how they will be left behind when the true worship of God is established.

Acts 17:29: "If God's offspring, we must not think that divinity is similar to gold, silver, or stone, carved by man's art and imagination." The apostle Paul speaks to the Greeks in Athens about the true nature of God and how he cannot be represented by idols made by human hands.

1 Corinthians 10:19-20: "Is that me to say that the sacrifice offered to idols is something? Not to God. And I don't want you to have communion with the demons. " The apostle Paul warns Christians in Corinth over the dangerous worship of idols and how it can lead to communion with demons instead of God.
