Genesis, 18

New Jerusalem Bible

33 When he had finished talking to Abraham Yahweh went away, and Abraham returned home.

Versículos relacionados com Genesis, 18:

Genesis 18 describes the visit of three men to Abraham and Sarah, who announce that Sarah will have a son. The chapter addresses topics such as God's faithfulness to fulfill His promises, the importance of God's hospitality and mercy. Below are five verses related to these themes, in order of proximity to the chapter:

Hebrews 13:2: "Do not forget the hospitality; it was practicing it that, without knowing, some welcomed angels." This verse highlights the importance of hospitality, which is exemplified by Abraham in Genesis 18 by welcoming the three men and offering them food and shelter.

2 Peter 3:9: "The Lord does not take long to keep your promise, as some judge. On the contrary, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone comes to repentance." This verse highlights God's faithfulness to fulfill his promises, even if they may seem slow, which is evidenced in Genesis 18 when God fulfills his promise to Abraham that he will have a son with Sarah.

Psalm 103:8: "The Lord is merciful and compassionate, very patient and full of love." This verse highlights the mercy of God, which is demonstrated in Genesis 18 when God saves Sodom and Gomorrah if Abraham finds a sufficient number of righteous people in the city.

Genesis 18:25: "Far from you do such a thing: kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked in the same way. Far from you! Will the judge of all the earth not justice?" This verse highlights God's righteousness not to treat the righteous and the wicked in the same way, which is discussed in Genesis 18 when Abraham wonders if God will destroy the just city with the wicked city.

Luke 1:37: "For God is impossible for God." This verse highlights the omnipotence of God, which is evidenced in Genesis 18 when God announces Abraham that Sarah will have a son, even if she is elderly and barren.
