Micah, 3

New Jerusalem Bible

3 eating my people's flesh, stripping off their skin, breaking up their bones, chopping them up small like flesh for the pot, like meat in the stew-pan?'

Versículos relacionados com Micah, 3:

Micah chapter 3 presents an accusation against the leaders and rulers of Judah and Israel, who use their power to oppress the people and practice injustice. Seeking throughout the Bible, I found the following verses related to the topics addressed in this chapter:

Jeremiah 23:1-2: "Woe to the shepherds who destroy and disperse the sheep of my pasture! - Says the Lord. So the Lord says, God of Israel, to the shepherds who cease to my people: You have spewed my sheep , and you have come to them, and you have not visited them; behold, I will visit you the wickedness of your works, says the Lord. " This verse condemns leaders who neglect their responsibilities and cause damage to the people, which is similar to the accusation presented against leaders in Micah 3.

Proverbs 28:15: "As a roar lion, and hungry bear, so it is the wicked who dominates over a poor people." This verse talks about the oppression that wicked leaders can exercise about the people, which is mentioned in Micah 3.

Ezekiel 22:27: "Its princes in the midst of it are like wolves that snatch the prey, spilling blood and destroying lives to satisfy its greed." In this verse, leaders are compared to wolves who destroy and kill because of their greed, which is similar to the accusation against leaders in Micah 3.

Isaiah 5:23: "Those who justify the wicked by gifts and take justice to the righteous!" This verse condemns the corruption that leaders can practice, accepting bribes and denying justice to the righteous, which is mentioned in Micah 3.

Psalm 82:2-4: "Until when shall you be unfairly judged, and respect to the people of the wicked? Do justice to the poor and orphan; justify the distress and the needy. Deliver the poor and needy; take them out of the hands of the wicked. . " In this verse, leaders are urged to do justice and defend the poor and needy, which is similar to the accusation against leaders in Micah 3.
