Ezekiel, 24

Revised Standard Version

12 In vain I have wearied myself; its thick rust does not go out of it by fire.

Versículos relacionados com Ezekiel, 24:

Ezekiel 24 presents a parable about the imminent destruction of Jerusalem and the death of the prophet's wife. The verses selected below are related to sadness and loss, which are themes present in this chapter:

Psalm 34:18: "Near the lord of those who have a broken heart and save those of the oppressed spirit." This verse points out that God is close to those who are suffering and broken, offering them salvation and comfort.

Isaiah 61:2-3: "Proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of revenge of our God; comforting all who cry and put upon those who are in mourning a crown instead of ashes, oil of joy instead of joy Weeping, and a cloak of praise instead of depressed spirit. " This verse points out that God offers comfort and joy to those who cry and suffer, transforming their sadness into praise.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4: "Blessed be the God and the Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Mercies and God of all consolation! It is He who comforts us in our entire tribulation, so that we can comfort those who are in Any anguish, with the consolation with which we ourselves are contemplated by God. " This verse emphasizes that God is the God of all consolation and that He can comfort us in times of tribulation so that we can comfort others as well.

John 14:27: "I leave their peace; my peace give them. I do not give it as the world gives it. They are not disturbed by their hearts, nor be afraid." This verse points out that Jesus offers us peace, a peace that is different from the peace that the world can offer, and that this peace can calm our hearts in times of sadness and fear.

Romans 8:18: "I consider that our current sufferings cannot be compared to the glory that will be revealed in us." This verse emphasizes that, despite the current suffering, there is a glory that will be revealed in the future, giving us hope and comfort.
