Isaiah, 5

The New American Bible

8 Woe to you who join house to house, who connect field with field, Till no room remains, and you are left to dwell alone in the midst of the land!

Versículos relacionados com Isaiah, 5:

Isaiah 5 presents a parable in which God is compared to a farmer who takes care of his vineyard, but despite his efforts, the vineyard produces only bad fruits. The chapter ends with a threat of judgment against Israel for its infidelity. To find verses related to the topics addressed in Isaiah 5, we can seek passages that talk about the righteousness of God, the judgment and infidelity of the people.

Proverbs 21:15: "Performing justice is a source of joy for the righteous, but of terror for those who practice evil." This verse highlights the importance of justice and how it can bring joy or terror, depending on how people act.

Jeremiah 5:7: "Why would you forgive you? Your children abandoned me and swore to the gods who are not gods. I satiated them, but they committed adultery; at the house of prostitutes they got overwhelmed." In this verse, God talks about the infidelity of the people of Israel and how they have turned to other gods.

Ezekiel 15:2-3: "Son of man, what is the vineyard that is better than the other vineyards, which the vineyards around her served as branches? They took it wood to make any object? Has he took a nail to hang something? " This verse uses the image of the vineyard to talk about Israel's special position between nations and how it should have been a source of blessing to other peoples.

John 15:1-2: "I am the true vine, and my father is the farmer. Every branch that, being in me, does not bear fruit, he cuts; and all that bears fruit he prune, so that it will be more fruit still . " In this verse, Jesus presents himself as the true vine and explains how God takes care of his followers, pruning those who do not produce fruits and strengthening those who do so.

Hebrews 12:5-6: "And you have forgotten the word of encouragement that He directs you as to children: 'My Son, do not despise the discipline of the Lord, nor discourage when He rebukes him, for the Lord disciplines whom he loves, and punishes everyone who accepts as a son. " This verse talks about God's discipline and how it is proof of his love for his children, just as pruning in the vine can bring more fruits.
