2 Kings, 9

Douay-Rheims Version

28 And his servants laid him upon his chariot, and carried him to Jerusalem: and they buried him in his sepulchre with his fathers in the city of David.

Versículos relacionados com 2 Kings, 9:

Chapter 9 of the book of 2 kings begins with the anointing of Jehu as king of Israel, designated by God to punish Ahab's house for his sins. Jehu is sent to murder Jorão, king of Israel, and Jehu performs this task successfully. In addition, Jehu also kills Jezebel, the mother queen of Israel, who incited the people to worship idols. Here are five verses related to the topics covered in 2 Kings 9:

Deuteronomy 7:25:25-26: "The sculpted images of your gods will burn on fire. Do not covet the silver or gold that coat them, nor take them to you, so that they are not entangled by them, for this is detestable to the Lord , your God. " This verse talks about the ban on the worship of idols and the destruction of their images, which is relevant in the context of Jezebel's death.

1 Kings 19:16: "UNJA Hazael King over Syria, and also Annja Jeú, son of Ninsi, King over Israel; Unja Elisha, son of Safate, of Abel-Meolá, as a prophet to succeed you." This verse is a prophecy of God to Elijah, which predicts the rise of Jehu as king of Israel.

1 Kings 21:23: "And because of Jezebel, the Lord says, 'The dogs will eat Jezebel in the field of Jezreel.'" This verse is an Elijah prophecy to Ahab, which announces the death of Jezebel, the queen- Mother of Israel.

Exodus 34:14: "They do not worship any other God, because the Lord, whose name is zealous, is the zealous God." This verse reinforces the prohibition of the worship of idols and the exclusivity of the worship of the true God.

Psalm 68:30: "Rebpel the beasts that are welcomed between the reeds, the horde of bulls with the peoples of the peoples, who prostrate with silver gifts; dissipates the Bellicas nations." This verse talks about God's victory over the enemies of Israel, which is relevant in the context of Jehu's ascension as king and his role in punishing Ahab's house.
