Isaiah, 64

Douay-Rheims Version

8 And now, O Lord, thou art our father, and we are clay: and thou art our maker, and we all are the works of thy hands.

Versículos relacionados com Isaiah, 64:

Isaiah 64 is a chapter that talks about the cry of God's people for their intervention and redemption in the face of their situation of sin and removal from the Lord. The verses selected below deal with topics such as God's righteousness and mercy, the importance of prayer and pursuit of God, and the promise of restoration.

Psalm 85:10: "Mercy and truth have met; justice and peace kissed." This verse talks about the union between righteousness and the mercy of God, who are found in the redemptive work of Christ, who paid the price for our sins and granted us forgiveness and salvation.

Isaiah 65:24: "Even before crying out, I will answer; still speaking, I will answer." Here God promises to respond to the cry of his people even before they express him in words, showing his attention and love for each of his children.

Psalm 80:3: "O God, restore us and make your face shine, that we may be saved." This psalm expresses the plea of ​​God's people for its restoration and salvation, and reflects the cry presented in Isaiah 64.

Isaiah 63:7: I will celebrate the mercies of the Lord and their many benefits, according to all that the Lord has granted us and according to the great kindness to the house of Israel, a goodness that has granted him according to his mercy and according to the multitude of the its benefits. " In this verse, Isaiah recalls the many blessings that God has already granted to his people, and highlights the importance of celebrating and thanking these blessings in prayer.

Isaiah 65:17: "For behold, I create new heavens and new earth, and there will be no memory of past things, will never be remembered." This verse brings God's promise that he will do a completely new work in the lives of his people, restoring everything that was lost by sin and bringing a new time of peace and joy.
