Jonah, 2

Douay-Rheims Version

11 And the Lord spoke to the fish: and it vomited out Jonas upon the dry land.

Versículos relacionados com Jonah, 2:

Jonah 2 tells the story of how Jonas, after being swallowed by a great fish, calls for God for mercy and is saved. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in this chapter:

Psalm 18:6: "In my anguish I invoid the Lord, I shouted for help to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his presence, to his ears." Just as Jonas cried to God in his anguish, the psalmist also invokes divine help in his suffering.

Psalm 69:1-2: "Save me, O God, for the waters have come to my neck. I am sinking into a deep mud, and there is nowhere to firm my feet; I entered deep waters, and the current drags me." This psalm is an example of a request for help in the midst of a difficult situation, just like Jonas's prayer while in the fish.

Psalm 116:1-2: "I love the Lord, because He hears my voice and my supplications. For He leans His ears to me, I will invoke His name as long as you live." This psalm is an expression of gratitude to God for listening and responding to prayers, a theme that is central to Jonah 2.

Isaiah 38:10-13: "I said, in the middle of my life, I have to go to the door of death. Private from the rest of my years, I am condemned to live in the world of the dead. I said: I will not see the Lord again God in the world of the living, I will never see a human being in the land of the living. " The prophet Isaiah, like Jonah, cried God in a moment of great distress, asking him to save him from death.

2 Corinthians 1:8-10: "Brothers, we do not want to ignore the tribulations we had in the province of Asia, for we were crushed above our strength, to the point of losing the hope of going out with life. We feel the sentence of ourselves. Death, so that we may learn not to trust ourselves, but in God, who rises the dead. He has saved us from such a terrible death, and will save us again. We have our hope that it will continue to deliver us, " Paul, like Jonas, experienced a situation of despair and resorted to God in search of help and salvation.
