Proverbs, 4

Catholic Public Domain Version

5 Obtain wisdom, obtain prudence. May you neither forget, nor turn away from, the words of my mouth.

Versículos relacionados com Proverbs, 4:

Chapter 4 of the Book of Proverbs deals with the importance of wisdom and discipline in life, as well as the consequences of following the right or wrong path. The following verses are related to the topics addressed in Proverbs 4:

Psalm 1:1-3: "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the Council of the wicked, nor does he hold on the way to sinners, nor rest on the chair of the scoffers; but his pleasure in the law of the Lord, and his law, and in his law, and his law Meditates day and night. It will be like the tree planted by the water streams, which bears its fruit at its own season, and whose leaves do not fall; and everything he will prosper. " This psalm shows the importance of following the right way, which is the law of the Lord, to be blessed and prosper.

Proverbs 3:11-12: "My Son, the Lord's correction, nor is it discouraged when you are rebuked by him. For the Lord corrects whom he loves, as well as the Father to the Son to whom he wants well." Here we see the importance of discipline and correction in life, which can be painful, but are necessary to make us grow and become better.

Proverbs 10:17: "The way to life is one who keeps instruction, but what abandons rebuke goes wrong." This verse shows how to follow instruction and correction is essential to going the right way and having life.

Proverbs 16:16: "How is it better to acquire wisdom than gold! And acquiring understanding is silver preferable." This verse reinforces the importance of wisdom, which is a greater treasure than any material wealth.

James 1:5: "And if any of you are lacking wisdom, ask it to God, who gives all liberally and does not reproach him; and will be granted to him." Here we see that wisdom is not something we can acquire alone, but we must ask God that it generously grants it to those who ask.
