Judges, 10

Christian Community Bible

9 The Ammonites also crossed the Jordan to attack Judah, Benjamin and the people of Ephraim. Israel was in great distress.

Versículos relacionados com Judges, 10:

Judges 10 tells the story of the judges tola and Jair, who led Israel for a total of 45 years after the death of Jephthah. However, the Israelites again move away from God and begin to worship foreign idols, which leads to oppression by the Ammonites. They finally cry out to God for help and repent of their idolatry, leading God to raise Jephthah to lead them to victory. Here are five verses related to the topics addressed in Judges 10, excluding verses from the chapter itself:

Psalm 106:36-37: "They served their idols, who became a bond for them. They sacrificed their children and their daughters to demons." This verse talks about idolatry and how it can be harmful to people. The Israelites in judges 10 deviated from God and began to worship foreign idols, leading to oppression by the Ammonites.

Isaiah 45:7: "I raise the light and create darkness, promote peace and a disgrace; I, the Lord, do all these things." This verse talks about God's sovereignty about all things, including the misfortune that can come over people. The Israelites in Judges 10 were oppressed by the Ammonites because of their idolatry, but they cried out to God for help, and God raised Jephthah to lead them to victory.

Romans 12:21: "Do not be overcome by evil, but they overcome evil with good." This verse talks about the importance of resisting evil and overcoming it with good. Jephthah in judges 10 led Israel to victory against the Ammonites and showed that it is possible to overcome evil with good.

Hebrews 11:32-34: "And what else do I say? I have no time to talk about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jepht, David, Samuel, and the prophets, who by faith conquered kingdoms, practiced justice, obtained the fulfillment of promises. They closed the mouth of lions, erased the force of fire, and escaped from the wire of the sword; from weakness they took strength, became powerful in battle, and put on foreign armies. " This verse talks about the faith of the Old Testament heroes who were able to conquer kingdoms and escape foreign armies. Jephthah in judges 10 is listed along with other heroes of faith for his conquest over the Ammonites.

Revelation 3:19: "To all whom I love, rebuke and discipline. So be diligent and repent." This verse talks about how God disciplines those whom He loves and how important it is to regret.
