Psalms, 52

Christian Community Bible

8 The good will know fear at the sight; they will say concerning his fate:

Versículos relacionados com Psalms, 52:

Psalm 52 is a psalmist lamentation on the wickedness of the wicked and the goodness of God. The psalmist describes how the wicked is proud of his wickedness and mocks the righteous, but God will overthrow and destroy him. The psalmist trusts in the goodness of God and the salvation He offers to His servants. Below are five verses related to the topics addressed in this Psalm:

Proverbs 18:12: "The heart of the proud only generates strife, but the wise man uses wisdom." This verse talks about pride, one of the central themes of Psalm 52. The wicked described in Psalm 52 is proud and boast of its wickedness, but this verse shows that pride only generates strife and leads nowhere.

Psalm 73:18-19: "You actually put them in slippery places; you will throw them into perdition. How they fall into desolation, almost in a moment! They are totally destroyed, consumed of terror." This verse talks about the fall of the wicked, a theme addressed in Psalm 52. Just as the wicked described in Psalm 52 will be overthrown and destroyed by God, this verse shows that the wicked will generally be thrown into perdition.

Proverbs 10:7: "The memory of the righteous is blessed, but the name of the wicked will rot." This verse also talks about the fall of the wicked and the righteousness of God. The Psalm of Psalm 52 regrets the wickedness of the wicked, but this verse shows that in the end justice will prevail and the wicked will be forgotten.

Psalm 54:4: "Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is with those who sustain my life." This verse talks about the psalmist's confidence in God's help, a central theme of Psalm 52. The psalmist trusts that God will help him overcome his enemies and overcome his difficulties.

Proverbs 21:15: "To do justice is joy to the righteous, but destruction for those who practice evil." This verse talks about the joy of justice, a theme addressed in Psalm 52. The psalmist laments the wickedness of the wicked, but this verse shows that justice is a source of joy to the righteous and that evil will lead to destruction.
