Numbers, 6

Douay-Rheims Version

11 And the priest shall offer one for sin, and the other for a holocaust, and shall pray for him, for that he hath sinned by the dead: and he shall sanctify his head that day :

Versículos relacionados com Numbers, 6:

Numbers 6 details the laws and requirements for those who make a Nazi vote, which includes alcohol abstinence, avoid contact with the dead and let the hair grow without cutting throughout the vote. Here are five verses related to the topics covered in numbers 6:

Judges 13:5: "Behold, thou shalt conceive and shall have a son; and shall not pass over his head, for the boy shall be Nazireu to God from the womb; and he will begin to rid Israel from the hand of the Philistines." This verse relates to numbers 6, since Samson's life has been dedicated to God as a Naziree since before his birth.

1 Samuel 1:11: "And he made a vow, saying, Lord of hosts, benignously attentive to the affliction of your servant, and you remember, and your servant do not forget, but to thy servant a Son man I will give it to the Lord every day of your life, and over your head will not pass razor. " This verse is similar to the practice of making a Nazi vote, in which someone dedicates a part of his life to God in exchange for a blessing.

Amos 2:11: "And among his children I raised prophets, and among his young Nazireans. Isn't that so, O children of Israel? Says the Lord." This verse highlights the importance of the Nazireans in the history of Israel and how God used these people as prophets and leaders.

Matthew 3:4: "And this John had his camel robes, and a leather belt around his loins; and feeds on grasshoppers and wild honey." John the Baptist can be considered a Nazi, as he lived a life of abstinence and simplicity, similar to the practices of a Nazirean.

Acts 18:18: "And Paul, having remained there many days there, said goodbye to his brothers, and sailed to Syria, taking Priscilla and Áquila with him, and his head shaved in Cencreia, because he had a vow." Paul makes a Nazi vote in Acts 18:18, similar to the Nazireans mentioned in numbers 6.
