Genesis, 21

King James Version

15 And the water was spent in the bottle, and she cast the child under one of the shrubs.

Versículos relacionados com Genesis, 21:

Genesis 21 tells the birth of Isaac, son of Abraham and Sarah, fulfilling God's promise to make them parents of a great nation. The chapter also describes the expulsion of Agar and Ishmael, son of Abraham with the servant agar, whom he feared to threaten Isaac's inheritance. The verses selected below relate to the topics of fulfillment of promises, divine protection, sacrifice and obedience.

Hebrews 11:11-12: "By faith also the same Sarah received the virtue of conceiving, and gave birth to the age, because he had faithful who had promised. Therefore also one, and this already damaged, They descended as many, in a crowd, like the stars of the sky, and as the innumerable sand that is on the beach of the sea. " These verses relate to the theme of fulfilling promises in Genesis 21, highlighting Sarah's faith in God, who fulfilled his promise to give him a son even in his old age.

Psalm 34:7: "The angel of the Lord camp around those who fear him, and delivers them." This verse talks about divine protection, which is seen in Genesis 21 when God protects Isaac and his family from external dangers.

Hebrews 11:17-19: "By faith Abraham, being proved, he offered Isaac; yes, he who had received the promises offered his only begotten about who had said unto him," Isaac will be called your descent; judging that God was powerful to even the dead rise it. " These verses relate to the theme of sacrifice in Genesis 21, highlighting Abraham's faith in God, which leads him to be willing to offer his own Son as a sacrifice.

Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust the Lord of all your heart, and do not stir in your own understanding. Recognizes him in all your ways, and he will straighten your paths." These verses talk about the importance of trust in God and submission to Him in all areas of life, which is a central theme in Genesis 21.

1 Samuel 15:22: "But Samuel said, The Lord has so much pleasure in burnt offering and sacrifices, as well as to obey the word of the Lord? The fat of sheep. " This verse relates to the theme of obedience in Genesis 21, highlighting the importance of obeying God's will rather than relying only on external sacrifices.
