Ecclesiasticus, 16

New Jerusalem Bible

27 He determined his works for all time, from their origins to their distant generations. They know neither hunger nor weariness, and they never desert their duties.

Versículos relacionados com Ecclesiasticus, 16:

Ecclesiastical 16 deals with the grandeur of God, his providence and sovereignty about creation. The author highlights God's goodness in giving life and taking care of his creation, as well as the importance of obedience and fear of him. Following are five verses related to these themes:

Psalm 24:1: "From the Lord is the earth and all that exists in it, the world and those who live in it." This verse speaks of God's sovereignty about all creation. He is the owner of the earth and all that exists in it, including all human beings.

Acts 17:28: "For we live, we move and exist, as some of your poets said, 'We are also His offspring.'" This verse highlights the dependence of human beings in relation to God. It is through him that we live, move and exist.

Job 38:4: "Where were you when I launched the foundations of the earth? Tell us if you have understanding." This question from God Job highlights the greatness and wisdom of God in creation. He is the author of everything that exists and deeply knows every detail of the creation.

Psalm 145:9: "The Lord is good for all; His compassion reaches all his creatures." This verse speaks of God's goodness to his creation. He takes care of all his creatures, from the largest to the smallest.

Proverbs 9:10: "The fear of the Lord is the principle of wisdom, and the knowledge of the saint is understanding." This verse highlights the importance of fear of God and its knowledge as the basis for wisdom and understanding. The author of Ecclesiastical 16 also emphasizes the importance of fear of God in his reflection on divine grandeur.
