Judith, 14

New Jerusalem Bible

8 'Now tell me everything that you have done in these past few days.' And surrounded by the people, Judith told him everything she had done from the day she left Bethulia to the moment when she was speaking.

Versículos relacionados com Judith, 14:

Judite 14 tells Judite's plan to defeat the Assyrian army led by Holofernes, including the mistake she uses to infiltrate the enemy camp. The following verses are related to the topics covered in this chapter:

Judges 4:21: "Then Jael, Héber's wife, picked up a tent, and with a sledgehammer in his hand, approached him sneaked and dug his stake into Sisera's temple, causing her to cross her head to the floor. he died." This verse reports the death of the enemy general Sisera at the hands of a woman. The story is similar to the plot of Judite, in which a woman uses cunning to defeat a powerful military leader.

2 Kings 19:35: "That night, the angel of the Lord came out and killed one hundred and eighty -five thousand men at the Assyrian camp. When the survivors got up in the morning, they only found corpses." This verse talks about the supernatural destruction of the Assyrian army. Although Judite's approach is more subtle, the result is the same: the enemy's defeat.

Job 12:16: "With Him is the strength and wisdom; the deceit and the deceators are his." This verse talks about how God is sovereign and has control over all things, including those who use a mistake to achieve their goals. Judite's plan involves deceiving Holofernes so that he becomes complacent and vulnerable, but history shows that God is still in control.

Proverbs 21:30: "There is no wisdom, no understanding, no counsel that may oppose the Lord." This verse emphasizes that no one can oppose God and overcome. Although Judith's plan is cunning, it is important to remember that it is God's will that finally prevails.

Ezekiel 13:10: "For yes, because they have been deceiving my people, saying, Peace! There is no peace; and one, building the wall, and behold, others cover it from poorly; This verse talks about those who deceive God's people and build with bad intentions. Although Judite is fighting for the cause of her people, she uses mistaken to achieve her goals. The verse is a reminder that construction should be based on solid and true foundations.
