Deuteronomy, 8

Catholic Public Domain Version

19 But if you forget the Lord your God, so that you follow foreign gods, and serve and adore them: behold, I now foretell to you that you shall utterly perish.

Versículos relacionados com Deuteronomy, 8:

Deuteronomy 8 talks about the importance of remembering God in all circumstances and not forgetting that everything we have comes from Him. It also emphasizes the need for obedience so that the people of Israel can prosper in the promised land.

Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the Lord of all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding; recognize the Lord in all your ways, and He will straighten your paths." This verse emphasizes the need to trust God and recognize it in every way of life, which is a central message in Deuteronomy 8.

Deuteronomy 8:3: "He humbled you and let you starve, and then fed you with manna, that neither thou nor your ancestors knew, to show you that man does not only live in bread, but of every word that proceeds from Mouth of the Lord. " This verse is a reminder that God is the provider of all things and that the people of Israel must trust in him in all circumstances.

Deuteronomy 8:6: "Obey, therefore, to the commandments of the Lord, your God, walking in your ways and fearing it." Here we see the emphasis on the need for obedience to God's commandments, which is a recurring theme in Deuteronomy 8.

Philippians 4:19: "And my God will supply all your needs according to your glorious riches in Christ Jesus." This verse is a promise that God will supply all the needs of those who trust in Him, which is a central message in Deuteronomy 8.

Deuteronomy 8:18: "First thou shalt remind you of the Lord, thy God, for it is what gives you strength to acquire riches; to confirm His covenant, which has sworn to your parents, as you see today." This verse emphasizes that it is God who gives us the strength and ability to prosper, and that we must always remember it.
