Nehemiah, 3

Catholic Public Domain Version

31 And within the upper room of the corner, at the gate of the flock, the goldsmiths and the merchants built.

Versículos relacionados com Nehemiah, 3:

Nehemiah 3 describes the reconstruction of the walls of Jerusalem after the return of Babylonian exile. The following verses also deal with buildings and reforms in the Holy City and the House of God.

Ezra 6:15: "And the house was ready on the third day of the month of Adar, on the sixth year of King Darius's reign." This verse speaks of the reconstruction of the temple in Jerusalem, which was completed with the help of King Darius, as described in Ezra 6.

Nehemiah 2:17: "Then I said to the leaders, the officers, and the rest of the people: 'The work is great and extensive, and we are separated in the wall, far from each other.'" Nehemiah talks about the great work of rebuilding City and the need to work together, even in different places.

2 Chronicles 33:14: "After that, Manasseh reconstructed the outer wall of the city of David, west of Gion, in the Valley, to the entrance of the door of the fish and around Mount ofl; also raised it a lot." This verse speaks of the reconstruction of the outer wall of the city of Jerusalem, which was also made during the Old Testament time.

Psalm 122:7: "There is peace within your walls, security in your palaces." This psalm speaks of the importance of peace within the walls of the Holy City of Jerusalem.

Nehemiah 4:6: "We therefore rebuilt the wall, and the whole wall was united by half; for the people worked at work." This verse shows progress in the reconstruction of the wall and the union of the people around this great work.
