Psalms, 14

Christian Community Bible

3 They have all turned aside: corrupt - all of them alike.

Versículos relacionados com Psalms, 14:

Psalm 14 deals with the foolishness of the wicked that denies the existence of God and follows a path of corruption and evil. The psalmist cries to God to bring salvation and restoration to his people. The verses related to the themes of Psalm 14 are:

Proverbs 10:28: "The hope of the righteous is joy, but the expectation of the wicked will perish." This verse talks about the difference between the hope of the righteous and the expectation of the wicked. Psalm 14 points out that the wicked has no hope in God, while the righteous trust in him.

Romans 3:10-12: "As it is written, there is no righteous, not even one; there is no one to understand; there is no one to seek God. They all deviated, have become useless together; there is no good There is not even one. " Paul quotes Psalm 14 in his explanation of the human condition. He points out that everyone sinned and moved away from God, showing the need for salvation and redemption.

Ephesians 2:1-3: "And you were killed in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the present order of this world and the prince of power from the air, the spirit that is now acting on those who live in disobedience. We also lived among them, satisfying the wills of our flesh and our thoughts. Like others, we were by nature deserving of wrath. " This excerpt shows the sinful condition of humanity and its need for salvation and transformation.

Psalm 53:2-3: "God looks from heaven to the children of men, to see if there is any who has understanding, any who seek God. They all deviated, they also corrupted themselves; there is no one who does good, no There is not even one. " This verse is an almost identical repetition of Psalm 14, showing the severity of the human condition.

John 1:10-11: "He was in the world, and the world was created through him, but the world did not recognize him. He came to his own, but his own received him." The Gospel of John points out that Jesus, the Son of God, came to the world, but many rejected him and did not recognize him as the Messiah. This theme is similar to Psalm 14, which talks about the foolishness of the wicked that denies the existence of God.
