Nahum, 2

Douay-Rheims Version

2 For the Lord hath rendered the pride of Jacob, as the pride of Israel: because the spoilers have laid them waste, and have marred their vine branches.

Versículos relacionados com Nahum, 2:

In Chapter 2 of the book of Naum, the fall of Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire, through a figurative and descriptive language is described. The chapter describes the approach of the invading army, the destruction of the city's walls, the escape of the inhabitants and the withdrawal of the city's treasure. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in Naum 2:

Isaiah 13:17: "Behold, I will arouse the fears against them, that they do not care about silver, nor do they want gold." The prophet Isaiah, in his message of judgment against Babylon, announces that God will use fears to destroy it, even if they are not interested in the withdrawal of the city.

Jeremiah 50:15: "Shout against her around; she has already surrendered; her towers have fallen, her walls are knocked down, for this is the revenge of the Lord; . " The prophet Jeremiah also announces the fall of Babylon and the destruction of their walls and towers, as described in Naum 2.

Ezekiel 21:22: "In his hand is my son's wand, and he shall cut from them; and every tree will hide, and each one will choose a green branch for himself." In this verse, the prophet Ezekiel speaks of the sword of God who will punish the inhabitants of Jerusalem and can also be related to the description of destruction in Naum 2.

Psalm 46:6: "The nations stirred, the kingdoms moved; he raised his voice, and the earth melted." This psalm describes God's protection towards his people and his intervention in history, bringing judgment to the rebel nations, which resembles the message of Naum 2.

Zechariah 14:14: "And Judah will also fight in Jerusalem, and the riches of all surrounding nations, gold, and silver, and clothes in great abundance will be gathered. In this verse, Zechariah speaks of God's victory over the nations that will rise against Jerusalem and the taking of their goods, which resembles the description of the withdrawal in Naum 2.
