Romans, 4

New Jerusalem Bible

25 because we believe in him who raised from the dead our Lord Jesus who was handed over to death for our sins and raised to life for our justification.

Versículos relacionados com Romans, 4:

Romans 4 deals with justification by faith and how God's righteousness is imputed to those who believe in Jesus Christ. The chapter highlights the faith of Abraham as an example of justification by faith and explains that justification is not achieved by works, but by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ.

Galatians 3:6 - "Just as Abraham believed in God, and it was imputed to him as justice." This verse relates directly to Romans 4, where Abraham is highlighted as an example of justification by faith. Like Abraham, believers in Jesus Christ are justified by faith in God.

Ephesians 2:8-9. This verse points out that salvation is for the grace of God and by faith in Jesus Christ, not by works. This is in line with what is taught in Romans 4.

Philippians 3:9 - "And be found in Him, not having my own righteousness that proceeds from the law, but that comes through faith in Christ, justice that proceeds from God and is based on faith." This verse points out that justice that proceeds from God is achieved through faith in Jesus Christ and not by works of the law. Again, this is in accordance with what is taught in Romans 4.

Hebrews 11:1 - "Now faith is the certainty of what we expect and proof of things we don't see." This verse highlights the importance of faith in God and how faith is an essential part of justification by faith. This is in line with what is taught in Romans 4.

James 2:24 - "You see that a person is justified by works and not just by faith." This verse may seem contrary to what is taught in Romans 4, but it is actually complementary. James is noting that true faith always produces works, and that justification by faith is a living justification, which manifests itself in works. This is in harmony with what is taught in Romans 4, where Abraham is an example of living faith that produces works.
