Esther, 5

Revised Standard Version

3 And the king said to her, "What is it, Queen Esther? What is your request? It shall be given you, even to the half of my kingdom."

Versículos relacionados com Esther, 5:

Esther 5 tells how Queen Esther attended before King Ahasuero in search of help to save his people from death. She invites the king to a feast and promises to reveal her request the next day. Haman, the enemy of the Jews, is happy to be invited to the banquet, but gets angry to see Mordecai, who refuses to bow before him. Following are five verses related to the topics covered in Esther 5:

Psalm 37:5: "Deliver your way to the Lord, trust Him, and the most He will do." Esther puts her life at risk when she appears before the king without being invited, but trusts God to help her save her people. This verse shows the importance of trust in God, even in difficult situations.

Proverbs 16:9: "The heart of man draws his way, but the Lord gives him the footsteps." Although Esther has a plan to save his people, it is God who directs events in their lives. This verse emphasizes God's sovereignty over all things.

Exodus 17:14: "Then said the Lord to Moses, Write this to memory in a book, and report it to Joshua's ears; that I shall he totally scratch the memory of Amaleque under heaven." Haman is a descendant of the Amalequitas, a people who has always been the enemy of the Jews. This verse shows how God has always protected his people and punished his enemies.

Isaiah 54:17: "Every tool prepared against you shall not prosper; and every language that rises against you in judgment, you will condemn; this is the inheritance of the Lord's servants, and his right to proceed, says the Lord . " Haman conspired to destroy the Jews, but God was protecting his people. This verse shows the protection God gives to his servants.

Romans 12:19: "You shall not avenge yourselves, beloved, but give the wrath of God, for it is written, My is revenge; I will reward, say the Lord." Although Mordecai was mistreated by Haman, he sought revenge, but let God deal with his enemy. This verse emphasizes the importance of God's forgiveness and righteousness.
