Isaiah, 4

Revised Standard Version

2 In that day the branch of the LORD shall be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land shall be the pride and glory of the survivors of Israel.

Versículos relacionados com Isaiah, 4:

Isaiah 4 describes a time of judgment when women in Jerusalem will be so few that seven men will cling to a single woman in search of protection. The chapter also talks about the glory that will come when the Lord purifies the city and the remnant of Israel. The verses selected below are related to the themes of judgment and purification:

Isaiah 1:25-26: "Behold, I will make my hand against you, and purify you as with Potassa, and take all your impurity. And I will restore you your judges, as they were before; and your counselors, as before; of this will call you justice city, faithful city ". This verse talks about the purification of God's people, as well as the restoration of justice and faithfulness in the city.

Isaiah 6:13: "But still the tenth part will be in it, and will be fired again; but as the oak and as the azinheira, which after defolishing, they are still firm, so the Holy Seed will be her firmness." Here the Lord announces that a remnant will remain after the trial, just as a tree continues to grow after it has been pruned.

Isaiah 10:22: "For though your people, O Israel, be like the sand of the sea, only a remnant of it will become; a destruction is determined, overflowing into justice." This verse also talks about the remnant that will remain after the judgment.

Isaiah 26:20-21: "Come, my people, enter your chambers, and close your doors over you; hide you for a moment, until you pass the wrath. For the Lord comes out of your place, to punish the residents of the earth because of their iniquity; and the earth will discover their blood, and will no longer cover their dead. " This verse talks about the time of judgment when God's people must hide until the wrath has passed, while the Lord punishes the iniquity of the inhabitants of the earth.

Isaiah 32:2: "Each will be as a refuge against the wind, and a shelter against the storm, like water streams in dry places, such as the shadow of a large rock on thirsty land." This verse talks about the protection that the Lord offers to his people in difficult times, such as those described in Isaiah 4.
