1 Chronicles, 24

The New American Bible

6 The scribe Shemaiah, son of Nethanel, a Levite, made a record of it in the presence of the king, and of the leaders, of Zadok the priest, and of Ahimelech, son of Abiathar, and of the heads of the ancestral houses of the priests and of the Levites, listing two successive family groups from Eleazar before each one from Ithamar.

Versículos relacionados com 1 Chronicles, 24:

1 Chronicles 24 describes the organization of priests in 24 classes and how they were distributed to serve in the temple. The verses below relate to this theme:

Exodus 28:1 - "Call Aaron, his brother, and his sons Nadab, Abiú, Eleazar and Itamar to be my priests." This verse is important because it establishes that only Aaron's descendants could serve as priests, and the organization in classes was a way of ensuring that each priest had the opportunity to serve in the temple.

Numbers 3:5-10-"The Lord said to Moses, Bring Levi's tribe and introduce it to the priest Aaron to help her. They will take care of the tabernacle tasks, doing everything that needs to be done there." These verses show that the Levites were chosen to help the priests in the temple service and that there was a clear division of tasks.

1 Chronicles 23:13 - "Aaron has been separated to be consecrated as the sacred of the priests, he and his children forever, to offer incense before the Lord, to serve him and to invoke his name." This verse highlights the importance of the consecration of priests and the centrality of the temple worship service.

1 Chronicles 28:13 - "Choose you too, before the Lord, your God, leaders for your people: men who are wise, understood, and experienced, of each tribe, to put them as heads over the people." This verse highlights the importance of organization and leadership in religious service, something that is reflected in the organization in priests classes.

Nehemiah 12:1 - "These are the priests and the Levites who returned with Zerubabel, son of Sealtiel, and with Jesua: Seraías, Jeremiah, Ezra." This verse highlights the continuity of the organization of priests and Levites over time, showing how this structure continued to be important even after Babylonian exile.
