2 Samuel, 10

Catholic Public Domain Version

14 Then, seeing that the Syrians had fled, the sons of Ammon themselves also fled from the face of Abishai, and they entered into the city. And Joab returned from the sons of Ammon, and he went to Jerusalem.

Versículos relacionados com 2 Samuel, 10:

Chapter 10 of 2 Samuel reports a war between the Ammonites and the Israelites after the death of the ammonite King. The chapter also mentions the loyalty of Hanum, the new Amonite King, to David. The following verses are related to topics covered in the chapter:

Deuteronomy 20:1 - "When you go out to the battle against your enemies, and you will see horses, and cars, and more numerous people than you, you will not fear them; for the Lord your God, who made you come out of the land of Egypt, is with you." This verse deals with the confidence that God's people must have in facing their enemies, even if they are more powerful.

Psalm 60:12 - "With God we will do prowess; for He will tread our enemies to the feet." David, leader of the Israeli army, trusted God to help him overcome his enemies.

Proverbs 20:18 - "With prudent advice you shall make war; and there is victory in the multitude of counselors." This verse highlights the importance of seeking wise advice before making important decisions, including those related to war.

Isaiah 41:10 - "Do not fear, because I am with you, do not haunt yourself, because I am your God; I strengthen you, and help you, and I support you with my faithful right hand." This verse conveys a message similar to Deuteronomy 20:1, encouraging God's people to trust God in times of war.

1 Corinthians 16:13-"Watch, be firm in the faith; you behave varinly, and strengthen you." This verse talks about the importance of remaining strong and firm in difficult times, trusting in the strength that comes from God. This also applies to war situations, where perseverance and courage are essential.
