Amos, 3

Catholic Public Domain Version

12 Thus says the Lord: Just as if a shepherd had rescued two legs from the mouth of a lion, or the tip of an ear, so also will the sons of Israel be rescued, who dwell in the sick bed of Samaria, and in the cot of Damascus.

Versículos relacionados com Amos, 3:

Amos 3 contains a series of oracles of the Prophet Amos, in which he makes accusations and prophecies against the people of Israel. He begins the chapter with the rhetorical question, "Are they two together if they are not in agreement?" (Amos 3:3). From there, he starts to talk about the inevitability of God's judgment about the people of Israel because of his injustice and violence. The verses below were chosen for their relationship with these themes:

Isaiah 1:17: "Learn to do good, seek what is just; help the oppressed; do justice to the orphan; deal with the cause of the widows." This verse talks about the importance of doing good and practicing justice, especially in relation to the oppressed and vulnerable, something that the people of Israel had neglected.

Isaiah 10:1-2: "Woe to those who decree unfair laws, those who write laws of oppression, to deny justice to the poor, to snatch the right to the affliction of my people, to strip their widows and steal the orphans!" This verse reinforces the accusation of Amos that the people of Israel were committing injustice and oppression against the poor and vulnerable.

Isaiah 5:7: "For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah are the plant of their delights; and waited for judgment to exercise, and here oppression; justice, and here is cry." This verse also talks about God's expectation that the people of Israel practices justice, and their disappointment with the oppression and injustice He finds instead.

Jeremiah 9:24: "But whatever is glory, glorie this: in understanding and knowing me, that I am the Lord, that I will benefit, judgment, and justice on earth; for these things I like, say the Lord. " This verse emphasizes the importance of knowing God and following his ways of benevolence, judgment and justice.

Psalm 82:3-4: "Do justice to the poor and the orphan; proceed with the afflicted and the helpless. Deliver the poor and needy; take them out of the hands of the wicked." This psalm also highlights the importance of justice in relation to the vulnerable and the need to protect them from the oppression of the wicked.
