Job, 8

Christian Community Bible

12 Even if still growing and uncut, they wither more quickly than any plant.

Versículos relacionados com Job, 8:

In Job 8, Job's friend, Bildade, continues to argue that Job's affliction is the result of his sin and that the solution is to repent and seek God. Bildade also emphasizes that God is just and will reward the righteous. The verses related to the topics covered in Job 8 are:

Job 4:7-9: "Remember, therefore, Who has never perished, being innocent? Or when were the righteous destroyed? As I have seen, those who pose iniquity and sow evil segar these things. , and for the wind of their wraths are consumed. " This verse reflects the belief of bility that Job's affliction is the result of his sin and that only the wicked suffer.

Proverbs 11:18: "The perverse does false work, but for whom justice sows there will be faithful reward." Bildade emphasizes that God rewards the righteous and punishes the wicked, which is reflected in this verse of proverbs.

Isaiah 55:7: "Leave the wicked to his way, and the evil man his thoughts, and convert to the Lord, to be sympathetic to Him; become to our God, because it is great to forgive." Bildy suggests that the solution to Job's affliction is to repent and seek God, which is emphasized in this verse of Isaiah.

James 5:11: "Behold, we have Blessed are those who have suffered. You have heard what was the patience of Job and saw the end that the Lord gave him; for the Lord is very merciful and godly." This verse highlights Job's patience and its final reward, which contradicts the belief of bility that only the wicked suffer.

1 John 1:9: "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all injustice." This verse reflects the belief of bility that the solution to Job's affliction is to repent and seek God, but also emphasizes God's mercy and justice in forgiving sins.
