Mark, 5

Christian Community Bible

14 The herdsmen fled and reported this in the town and in the countryside, so all the people came to see what had happened.

Versículos relacionados com Mark, 5:

In Mark 5, Jesus performs several impressive miracles, including the healing of a man possessed by demons, the healing of a woman with bleeding, and the resurrection of the daughter of a synagogue leader. The central themes of this chapter include Jesus' authority over evil spiritual forces, faith and healing. Below are five verses related to these themes:

Luke 10:19: "Behold, I have given you authority to step on snakes and scorpions and over the whole power of the enemy; and nothing will do you any harm." This verse talks about the authority that Jesus gave to his followers of evil spiritual forces, reinforcing the authority demonstrated by Jesus in Mark 5.

James 5:14-15: "Is anyone among you sick? Call the elders of the Church, and pray upon him, anointing him with olive oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him; And if you have committed sins, you will be forgiven. " This verse talks about healing through the prayer of faith, an important theme in Mark 5.

John 5:8-9: "Jesus said unto him, Rise up, take your bed and walk. And then man stayed are, and took his bed, and walked." This verse describes the instant healing by Jesus, similar to the miraculous healing He performs in Mark 5.

Isaiah 53:5: "But he was wounded by our transgressions, and ground for our iniquities; the punishment that brings us peace was upon him, and by his footsteps we were healed." This prophetic verse talks about the healing that Jesus would bring through his sacrifice on the cross, a cure that is seen on a small scale in Mark 5.

Ephesians 2:8-9: "For by grace you are saved, through faith; and this does not come from you, it is the gift of God; it does not come from the works, so that no one can glornize." This verse talks about the importance of faith in salvation, a theme that is present in Mark 5 and is demonstrated in the faith of the woman with bleeding and the leader of the synagogue who asks Jesus to heal his daughter.
