Revelation, 13

Christian Community Bible

5 The beast was given speech and it spoke boastful and blasphemous words against God; it was allowed to wield its power for forty-two months.

Versículos relacionados com Revelation, 13:

Revelation 13 describes John's view of two beasts that emerge from the earth and the sea and symbolize political and religious powers that will pursue the followers of Christ. To find verses related to this chapter, we can seek references on political and religious powers that pursue the faithful and the beast as a symbol of evil.

Daniel 7:7: "After that, I kept looking, and here is the fourth animal, terrible and amazing, and very strong, which had large iron teeth; he devoured and did in pieces, and stepped on his feet ; it was different from all the animals that appeared before him, and had ten horns. " This verse talks about Daniel's vision about a terrible and strong fourth animal with ten horns, which devoured and destroyed. This animal is interpreted as a powerful and oppressive kingdom that will rise in the future.

Daniel 7:25: "He shall utter words against the Most High, and consume the Holy Saints; he will take care of changing the times and the law; the saints will be handed over to him for a while, and times, and half a time." In this verse, Daniel describes the behavior of the oppressive kingdom, who will utter words against God and persecute the faithful, taking care of changing law and time. This verse has similarities to the beasts of Revelation 13 who pursue the followers of Christ.

Matthew 24:24: "For false Christs and false prophets will be raised, and will make great signs and wonders; in such a way that if possible, they would even deceive the chosen ones." In this verse, Jesus warns his disciples about false Christs and false prophets who will deceive even the chosen ones. This warning can be applied to the Beast of Revelation 13, which also deceives the Earth's inhabitants with their signs and wonders.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4: "No one in any way deceives you, because it will not be like that before the apostasy and manifest the man of sin, the son of perdition, who opposes and rises against everything that It is called God, or worships; so that it will be based, like God, in the temple of God, wanting to seem God. " These verses talk about the man of sin who will manifest himself as an opposite figure to God, sitting in the temple of God and wanting to look God. This figure resembles the beast of Revelation 13, which is worshiped as a God and has a false prophet who deceives people.

1 Peter 5:8: "Sober thirst, watch, because the devil, your adversary, walks in melting, bustling like a lion, seeking to those who can swallow." In this verse Peter warns Christians about the devil, who seeks to devour people as a lion. This warning can be applied to the Beast of Revelation 13, which is described as a devouring and persecuting beast of the followers of Christ.
