2 Samuel, 24

King James Version

12 Go and say unto David, Thus saith the LORD, I offer thee three [things]; choose thee one of them, that I may [do it] unto thee.

Versículos relacionados com 2 Samuel, 24:

In chapter 24 of 2 Samuel, David orders a census to be held in Israel and Judah, which displeases God. As a punishment, God sends a plague that kills many Israelites. David repents and offers sacrifices to appease God's wrath. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in the chapter:

1 Chronicles 21:7: "It displeased God, and He injured Israel." This verse shows God's wrath on the census that David commanded.

2 Samuel 24:10: "David felt remorse after he had told the people and said to the Lord, 'I made a great mistake. Now, Lord, forgive the guilt of this servant, for I act foolishly.' This verse shows David's regret for his decision to tell the people.

2 Samuel 24:15: "Then the Lord sent an angel, and he destroyed the whole army of the Assyrians, including the camp and the people." This verse shows how God intervened to save his people from the plague he had sent.

2 Samuel 24:24: "No! I want to buy it for its fair value. I will not offer the Lord my God, burnt offering that cost me nothing." This verse shows David's attitude toward the sacrifices he offered to God as a form of repentance.

2 Samuel 24:25: "David there built an altar to the Lord and offered burnt offering and peace offers. Then the Lord answered his prayers in favor of the earth, and the plague in Israel was interrupted." This verse shows how David's prayers and his sacrifices were accepted by God and how the plague was interrupted.
