Tobit, 13

King James Version

13 Rejoice and be glad for the children of the just: for they shall be gathered together, and shall bless the Lord of the just.

Versículos relacionados com Tobit, 13:

Tobias 13 talks about the joy and gratitude of Tobias and his family for the success of his journey, Tobias's return with his wife and healing of his blind father. The verses related to this theme are:

Psalm 126:2: "Then our mouth was filled with laughter and our language of songs; then he said himself among the nations, Great things made the Lord for them." This psalm expresses the joy of a people who returned from exile and was restored by God, just as Tobias and his family were restored by God after his journey.

Psalm 105:1: "Praise the Lord and invoke His name; make known your works among the peoples." This verse encourages people to praise and give thanks to God for their wonderful works, such as the healing of Tobias's father and the success of his journey.

Isaiah 12:4: "And you will say that day, give thanks to the Lord, invoke His name, make your deeds manifest among the peoples, proclaim that your name is exalted." This verse also encourages to give thanks to God and proclaim his wonderful works to the whole world.

1 Thessalonians 5:18: "In everything he gives, because this is the will of God in Christ Jesus to you." This verse emphasizes the importance of giving thanks to God in all circumstances, just as Tobias and his family were doing for his healing and success.

Philippians 4:4: "Always rejoice in the Lord; again, I say, rejoice." This verse encourages people to find joy in God at all times, just as Tobias and his family found joy in their restoration and success.
