Ecclesiasticus, 6

New Jerusalem Bible

35 Listen willingly to any discourse coming from God, do not let wise proverbs escape you.

Versículos relacionados com Ecclesiasticus, 6:

Ecclesiastical 6 talks about the importance of having true friends and wisdom in choosing friendships well. It also emphasizes the need to be humble and learn from the wisest. Below are five verses related to these themes:

Proverbs 17:17: "At all times the friend loves and in anguish the brother is made" This verse highlights the importance of true friendship, which remains present at all times, including the most difficult.

Proverbs 27:17: "How iron with iron sharpening, so man sharps his friend's face." This verse emphasizes the importance of friendship in the pursuit of wisdom and personal growth. True friends help us improve us and be better.

Ecclesiastical 6:14: "A faithful friend is a powerful protection: Whoever found him has discovered a treasure." This verse highlights the invaluable value of having true and loyal friends, who are a source of support and protection in our lives.

Proverbs 22:24-25: "Do not associate with the iracundo man or Andes with the choleric, so that he does not learn his paths and take a bond to your soul." This verse warns of the importance of choosing our friendships well, avoiding people who can negatively influence us.

Ecclesiastical 6:36: "If you want to acquire wisdom, love justice, and the Lord will give you a wise understanding." This verse highlights the importance of humility in our search for wisdom. To learn and grow, we need to be humble and seek justice and truth.
