Exodus, 21

New Jerusalem Bible

21 But should the slave survive for one or two days, he will pay no penalty because the slave is his by right of purchase.

Versículos relacionados com Exodus, 21:

Exodus 21 is a chapter that presents several laws and regulations for justice and peaceful coexistence among people. Among the topics covered are slavery, liability, death penalty and other relevant legal issues. From this we can find the following related verses:

Proverbs 22:7: "The rich dominates over the poor, and what he borrows is a servant of what he lends." This verse refers to the question of slavery, which is addressed in Exodus 21. In biblical time, slavery was a common practice, but the Bible presents regulations to protect slaves and prevent abuse.

Leviticus 24:17: "And he who kills any man will surely be killed." The death penalty is a theme present in Exodus 21 and in other parts of the Bible. This verse presents the determination that the one who takes away the life of another human being must be punished with death.

Deuteronomy 19:21: "Thou shalt not have mercy; life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand by hand, foot by foot." This verse presents the principle of retributive justice, which is approached in Exodus 21. The idea is that punishment must be proportional to the crime committed, and there should be no excesses or abuse.

Romans 13:1-4: "Every soul is subject to the superior authorities; for there is no authority that does not come from God; and those who exist were ordained by God. Therefore, who resists authority, resists God's ordination; Those who resist will bring about themselves. Because the magistrates are not for fear when good is done, but when you do evil. Do you want to fear authority? This excerpt from the New Testament presents the idea that civilian authorities are instituted by God to maintain order and justice in society. This principle is in line with the regulations presented in Exodus 21.

Luke 6:31: "And as you will want men to make you, so do you." This verse presents the principle of empathy and respect for others, which is one of the foundations of the law presented in Exodus 21. The idea is to treat others with justice and compassion, as we would like to be treated.
