Ezekiel, 20

New Jerusalem Bible

10 So I brought them out of Egypt and led them into the desert.

Versículos relacionados com Ezekiel, 20:

Ezekiel 20 addresses the rebellion of the people of Israel throughout history and how God dealt with this situation. The verses selected below are related to divine punishment and the search for regret by the people:

Jeremiah 21:12: "O house of David, so says the Lord: Execute justice in the morning and deliver the oppressed from the hands of the oppressor, so that my furor does not come out as fire and burning, without those who erase it, because of it of the wickedness of your works. " This verse reinforces the idea that justice must be practiced and that God punishes those who commit injustices.

Isaiah 55:6-7: "Seek the Lord as long as one can find, invoke him while he is near. Leave the wicked his way, and the evil man his thoughts, and convert to the Lord, who shall be sympathized; To our God, because it is great to forgive. " Here it is emphasized the importance of seeking God and abandoning sin, showing that God is willing to forgive those who repent.

Psalm 81:11-12: "But my people did not want to hear my voice, and Israel did not want me. Therefore, I gave them to the desires of their hearts, and walked into their own advice." This psalm illustrates how God allowed people to follow their own desires and suffered the consequences of their choices.

Isaiah 5:24: "Therefore, as the tongue of fire consumes the straw, and the billet crumbles through the flame, so it will be its root as rot, and its flower will fade as dust; because they rejected the law of the Lord of hosts , and despised the word of the saint of Israel. " This verse points out that those who reject God's law end up being consumed by their own wickedness.

Hosea 14:1: "Back, O Israel, to the Lord your God, for by your sins you have fallen." Here we see an appeal for the people to repent and return to God, recognizing that their own choices led them to the fall.
