Genesis, 26

New Jerusalem Bible

30 He then made them a feast and they ate and drank.

Versículos relacionados com Genesis, 26:

Genesis 26 tells the story of Isaac, son of Abraham, who faced difficulties on his journey because of hunger in the land of Canaan. He had to move to the region of Gerar, where God blessed him abundantly, but also faced conflicts with the locals. Below are five verses related to topics addressed in Genesis 26, excluding the verses of this chapter:

Genesis 12:10: "Now there was hunger on the earth, and Abram descended to Egypt to pilgrimage there, because the hunger was great on earth." This verse talks about the hunger that Abraham also faced, which led him to temporarily move to Egypt. Isaac faced a similar situation to generate.

Psalm 37:7: "Rest in the Lord, and wait for him; do not irritate you because of the one who thrives in his way, because of the man who performs inbidden cunning." This verse talks about the importance of trusting God and not worrying about external circumstances, something Isaac has done by trusting the divine promise to bless him.

Matthew 5:44: "But I say unto you, LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, AND PRAY FOR WHY PENSES YOU." This verse talks about the attitude that Jesus expects from his followers about enemies and persecutors. Isaac demonstrated this attitude by seeking peace with the inhabitants of generating despite the previous conflicts.

Hebrews 12:14: "I followed peace with all, and sanctification, without which no one will see the Lord." This verse talks about the importance of seeking peace and holiness in our relationships and attitudes. Isaac sought peace with the inhabitants of generating, even having to deal with conflicts.

1 Peter 5:7: "By casting upon him all your anxiety, because he takes care of you." This verse talks about the importance of trusting God in all situations, something Isaac demonstrated by trusting divine provision during hunger and divine blessing to generate.
