2 Chronicles, 6

Revised Standard Version

27 then hear thou in heaven, and forgive the sin of thy servants, thy people Israel, when thou dost teach them the good way in which they should walk; and grant rain upon thy land, which thou hast given to thy people as an inheritance.

Versículos relacionados com 2 Chronicles, 6:

2 Chronicles 6 describes the dedication of Solomon's temple, with Solomon asking God to bless and hear the prayers of those who come to the temple to seek the Lord. He also says a prayer of dedication, asking God to be present in the temple and meet the prayers that are said there. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in 2 chronicles 6:

1 Kings 8:27: "But in fact, God dwell on earth? Behold, heaven, and even heaven of heaven, cannot contain you, the less this house I have built." This verse is part of Solomon's prayer and recognizes that God is too great to be contained in one place, like the temple.

1 Kings 8:41-43: "And also, about the foreigner, that it is not of your people Israel, when it comes with remote lands, for the sake of your name (for they will hear from your greatness, and your strong hand, and of Your extended arm), and pray for this house, hear you in the heavens, place of your dwelling, and do according to all that the foreigner asks you; so that all the peoples of the earth know your name, to you fear like your Israel people. " These verses are part of Solomon's prayer, asking God to hear the prayers of those who come from other countries to worship him in the temple and that all peoples know the greatness of God.

Psalm 132:13-14: "For the Lord has chosen Zion; he desired it to his dwelling, saying, This is my place of rest forever; here I will dwell, for I wished it." These verses show God's desire to dwell in Zion, where Solomon's temple was built.

Isaiah 56:7: I will take them to my holy mount, and I will rejoice in my house of prayer; their burnt offering and their sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called prayer house for all peoples. " This verse shows how the temple is seen as a place of prayer and worship for all peoples.

John 4:21-24: "Jesus said unto him, Woman, believe me that the time comes, when neither on this hill, nor in Jerusalem you shall worship the Father. Salvation comes from the Jews. But the time comes, and now it is, where true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeks to such who worship him. " These verses show how worship of God is not limited to a physical place, but it must be in spirit and in truth.
