Acts, 20

Revised Standard Version

29 I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock;

Versículos relacionados com Acts, 20:

Chapter 20 of Acts of the Apostles narrates Paul's farewell of the elders of the Church of Ephesus, as well as his journey to Jerusalem. Paul recalls his ministry among them and warns them of the future dangers that the Church would face. The verses related to the topics addressed in Acts 20 are:

Ephesians 4:11-12: "And he himself granted one to apostles, others to prophets, others for evangelists and others to pastors and masters, with a view to improving the saints for the performance of their service, for building the body of Christ " - These verses talk about the variety of gifts God grants to church members to build the body of Christ, something Paul discusses with the elders in his farewell.

2 Timothy 4:5: "But you, be sober in everything, support the sufferings, do the work of an evangelist and fully fulfill your ministry" - this verse brings Paul's exhortation to Timothy so that he will continue to do Work of an evangelist, a call that is also relevant to the Church of Ephesus.

1 Peter 5:1-2: "To the elders, who are among you, I, also elder like them, witness to the sufferings of Christ and participant in the glory that will be revealed, I ask the following: Take care of the flock of God who is under his Responsibility. You can do so as who is accountable, not willingly, but because God wants " - this verse talks about the responsibility of the church leaders to take care of God's flock, something Paul reinforces in his farewell to the elders of Ephesus.

Acts 20:29-30: "I know that after my departure, fierce wolves will penetrate in the midst of you and will not spare the flock. And among yourself will rise men who will twist the truth in order to attract the disciples to themselves." - This verse is Paul's warning to Ephesus's elders about the future dangers that the Church would face, including the entry of false leaders and the removal of some members of the truth.

Colossians 4:17: "Say Archipus: 'See well the ministry you received from the Lord and try to fulfill him with diligence'" - This verse is a call from Paul to Archipo, mentioned in Filemom as leader of the Church of Colossos, that he may fulfill with diligence the ministry he received from the Lord. This call is relevant to the Church of Ephesus and any leader who wants to fulfill his role in the church.
