Isaiah, 1

Revised Standard Version

1 The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzzi'ah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezeki'ah, kings of Judah.

Versículos relacionados com Isaiah, 1:

Isaiah 1 is a chapter that denounces the sins of the people of Israel and announces the divine judgment against them. The themes present in the chapter include religious hypocrisy, social injustice and the need for repentance. Below are five Bible verses related to these themes:

Proverbs 21:3: "Practicing what is just and right is more acceptable to the Lord than to offer sacrifices." This verse talks about how religious hypocrisy is not acceptable in the eyes of God. Isaiah 1 also denounces the hypocrisy of the religious leaders of the people of Israel who offer sacrifices but do not practice justice.

Amos 5:24: "Flise justice to justice and righteousness as a perennial stream." This verse emphasizes the importance of social justice. Isaiah 1 also denounces oppression and social injustice committed by the people of Israel.

Isaiah 58:6-7: "This is the fast I wish: to drop the chains of injustice, untie the strings of the yoke, for freedom the oppressed and break all yoke. It is to share their food with the hungry, give shelter to the poor without Home, wear what you see naked and not refuse help to others. " This verse emphasizes the importance of social justice and the need to help the needy. Isaiah 1 also denounces social injustice and the need to do good to the needy.

Jeremiah 6:10: "To whom should I speak and warn, that they may hear me? Their ears are uncircumcised, they cannot hear. The Lord have marked them as unable to receive instruction, they do not understand the word of the Lord." This verse talks about the inability of the people of Israel to hear and understand the Word of God. Isaiah 1 also talks about how the people of Israel divert to God's will and refused to hear His Word.

Hosea 6:6: "For it is love that I want and not sacrifices, knowledge of God instead of holocaustos." This verse talks about the importance of love and knowledge of God rather than simply following religious rituals. Isaiah 1 also denounces the religious hypocrisy of the people of Israel that offers sacrifices, but has no love and knowledge of God.
